Thursday, February 7, 2008

Triathletes vs. Duathletes, Can't we all Just Get Along?

The short answer to the above age-old question is simply, no. I have thought about this for some time now, and have been told to be mature about the subject, but, maturity is not my thing. S0, I am coming at this from the least jaded standpoint I possibly can, which, again, is also not my thing.

First, it might be best to educate our fellow 3 sport friends on a few things. First, and foremost, our season, is usually longer than yours. For example, the Du Season starts in Phoenix, at least for those trying to qualify for Worlds, at the end of February and runs to early October. This is in part, due to the fact that you triathletes hate to share your spotlight at races with us lowly dualthetes. So, our season resembles something like NASCAR.

Second, and this kills me, you need to stop acting like we get a break from training, b/c we don't swim. I don't know how to break this to my tri friends, but, we actually fill that time that you spend in the pool, RUNNING AND RIDING. We don't just do a triathletes schedule, minus a third. To be proficient at all in our sport, you need to fill that time with Du specific training. Ah, I can see the "deer in the headlights: look on your faces right now. "You mean, you ride and run more?" Um, yes.

Third, please, oh please stop acting like we spend less money on the sport, b/c we don't swim. True, we don't need the $500.00 wetsuits, or goggles, and all the swim paraphanalia, but, we end up going thru more running shoes, gear for our bikes, food, energy supplements, etc. Trust me, and my retail friends who gladly take my money, will tell you, we spend as much as you.

Also, enough with the, "well your races aren't as long as ours" talk. If a duathlete wants, we too, can attend races that last anywhere from 3-10 hours, i.e. Zofingen, American Zofingen, the Prairie Punisher, etc. And remember, oh you of the 3 sports, its all on the legs.

Now, we do have some benefits that triathletes don't. For example, if I want to do a really popular duathlon, I don't have to sign up a year in advance, or give my friend going to the race, my credit card info to sign me up the next day for the following year's event. Also, I don't have to pay insane entry fees to go to a big race. But there is a flipside - even the biggest Du's, don't have near the flash and flare of a big tri. Our post race parties, including Du Worlds, involved cold water, a bagel, and in the case of Worlds 2007, Orange Fanta. Yes, a carbonated drink to help cool you off and re-hydrate. Why I couldn't think of anything better. Perhaps, hot coffee.

Now you triathletes try to pretend like you want to get along, but, honestly, do you? Let's take, for example the comment a friend made to my last post, claiming that triathletes are bitter that we don't have to ride 56 miles in the cold. Now, that's a "liar, liar, pants on fire" comment if I ever heard one. Although not all of our races include a 56 mile bike leg, let me assure you, that I would trade a 56 mile ride , being a little wet in 50 degrees, over 25 miles in sleet and 30 degrees. Anyone remember last year's Ceasar Creek Du? How about Frost Yer Fanny? And let's not forget Powerman Alabama. Oh, it was balmy. And here's the thing, when we get on our bikes to ride - we are wet. Its not like you run an open 10K at 32 minutes and not sweat. We aren't mutants. We have sweat glands, just like you. So, we are cold, wet, and constantly beating on our legs for the duration of the race.

As for the who's tougher discussion, let me say, I have seen both sides. I was a triathlete in my former life, and I will tell you, that an every distance of Tri, has an equivalent distance in duathlon, and the Du is way harder. It just is. I am not speaking out of turn here, I raced tri's, pretty consistently, and at a high level for 5 years. And Du's are harder. And I wouldn't go back to triathlon if you paid me, unless it was a lot of money, than maybe I would, but, we are a hardier group of athletes. So, if that makes us tougher, I guess we are.

Here's the deal - we all have to race on the same courses, at least for the most part, and we train together, when we can, but that doesn't mean we have to get along. I have no problems with a triathlete not liking me or duathlon, all we are asking for is some respect. Basically, respect the fact that we are as strong as you, as fast as you, and if you had to skip your precious swim, and replace it with a 5K to start, there may be some tears in your eyes as you enter T1. But we don't need to like each other. Mutual respect is enough.

So, enjoy your swim workouts, and your swim toys, pull bouys, kick boards, water wings, whatever you use. I'll be outside running.