Monday, February 4, 2008

Clarifying My IPod Point

To Ronalyn, as you are the only one who would think to defend your IPod position, and simultaneously refer to the Giants victory. Let me say this, as I was too distraught today to write about the Patriots loss. Tom Brady, may be, as far as I am concerned, the best QB of our generation. Eli Manning, has a legacy behind him, but, I don't even consider him on the same level as Tom.

Now, I know Eli and his brother have that squeaky clean look to them, and Peyton makes funny commercials, but, Tom's got skills. Yes, he may be impregnating the better part of Hollywood, but, it has not affected his play. And yes, Bill Bellicheck scares me, and probably most children, but he is a great coach. I know this will provoke the whole "Spygate" discussion, but, I won't engage in that now.

What I want to add, is that the IPod, is a great tool, but, to me, your pace is best set by your heart, lungs and guts. Notice I do not say brain, b/c your brain, will ultimately keep you on the couch eating nachos.

And thanks for the Andy Rooney reference. That was so kind. However, this conversation reminds me of a great man, whose death recently passed, and it was roundly celebrated on Saturday night by myself and close family members. It was the anniversary of the passing of my grandfather Guy, whose name I proudly carry. He loved football, especially his Bears, and I wonder, what he would think about today's game, and today's technology. He had a saying for such things, I believe it was, "Fantnastic Bullshit." I would love to hear what he thinks about the way things have changed. I could go on about him, but for those who wonder why I do the things I do, and are not family members, let me share this story.

My grandfather worked on South Water Market, where, on any given day, he and his crew of guys would be, along with thier regular jobs, would be practicing medicine, practicing law, anything you could imagine. So, when he was told by another one of his "doctor" friends about a way to cure what ails you, he would try it.

He was having an issue with his eyes at some point, and someone suggested that squeezing orange rinds directly into your eyes would help. My grandmother, was, suspect, to say the least at this notion, however, she patiently went along, got him an orange, and gave him the peel. He promptly squirted it into his eyes, and watched as they puffed up, and became exceedingly red. I don't know if that helped his vision. I leave that to the "doctors."

I tell this story, b/c for those who know me, its evident in this story, that I carry more than his name, I carry his same sense of optomism. Be well.